Dear Parents and Carers,

Your child has indicated they would like God to be part of their life. We believe this will help your child to grow up confident of their intrinsic value, knowing God loves them, and that this foundation will help them throughout all challenges life may bring. 

As a children's ministry, our goal is to support your child and family in learning more about God and understanding Him for themselves. We want to offer your family pastoral care through our small group time/leadership (also known as Kid's Connect Groups), during Church services, and through our understanding faith program entitled Blast Off! 

Blast Off is a five-part digital training program teaching children about God. It covers topics like what it means to be born again, simple Christian concepts such as what it means to pray or read the Bible, and continues them on to deeper concepts of attitudes like Jesus, serving God, and personal evangelism. The program is something they can chip away at fortnightly, weekly, or even daily. The pace is up to you! At the end of each section, they will receive a certificate (presented in Kid's Church at the end of each term) and for the full completion, they are presented a trophy during the adult service by senior leadership. 

Please don't hesitate to contact our team with any further questions. Email us:

In Christ, 

Ps Bec and Ps Isaac